
Profile picture

Hi! My name is Ladislav Sulak, I currently live in a magical city in the heart of Europe, Prague. I'm a software and data engineer focused on developing and employing reliable, scalable, and maintainable systems.

I started this site as a way to capture and share my journey in tech. Welcome to my blog!

What can you find here?

  • A vast majority of the content is about software and data engineering, centered around data-intensive back-end systems.

  • Experiences, thoughts, or just my notes related to various aspects of the Software Development Life Cycle that go beyond pure coding. Interesting concepts and philosophies. Software design and architecture. Stakeholder engagement, agile project management and leadership. Anything that I consider interesting and is part of the process.

  • Blog posts related to my occasional participation in hackathons and online challenges, or just quick highlights from conferences I watch, books I read, or certifications I undertake.

If you'd like to see my CV, it's here.

Why Do I Blog?

  • To learn. When I learn something new, I like to take a moment and think about it, reiterate, and ideally compact the most important lessons into a nice format, sometimes resulting in a blog post. This way my learning experience is even more reinforced.

  • To store. I don't have good enough memory to remember everything I learn/experience for extended period of time. Each blog post is a tiny piece of my brain dump, which I can easily find and refer to later.

  • To share. I'm a very transparent person, who loves to share. Perhaps other people will find my posts useful.


You can reach me at laco.sulak@gmail.com. I always welcome any feedback.

About This Blog

This blog was built with the help of many brilliant people:

  • Pelican - A static site generator powered by Python
  • Flex theme - The minimalist Pelican theme
  • GitHub - For versioning the blog's source code and site hosting
  • Feather - Simply beautiful open source icons
  • Goat Counter - Open source web analytics platform that do not track personal data
  • Google Analytics - Web analytics platform
  • Disqus - Add-on tools for websites to increase engagement
  • Buy Me a Coffee - A service for creators to collect donations from their supporters
  • Mailchimp - Marketing, Automation & Email Platform